Matt Marshall from the San Jose Mercury's SiliconBeat tech blog takes the new beta Bee for a test drive and (mostly) likes what he sees. Says Marshall:
"It is chock-full of the latest Web 2.0 features, and it worth taking a look at.
"Rather than forcing you to rely on what the wider community of readers decide is important news, which is what Digg and Memeorandum do, Personal Bee lets "beekeepers" do the deciding, and gives you the beekeeper the infrastructure to organize and filter news however frequently you want. Anyone can become a beekeeper (though it is still in testing mode, so you have to request). Meanwhile, other readers can sit back and enjoy the beekeeper's filter. "
[Later: Oh, yes, when it rains it pours: picked up on today's SiliconBeat item and did one of their own: News Personalization Site Personal Bee Gets $0.5 Million.
And still later: The SiliconBeat item also prompted John Cook of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer to give the Bee a mention.]
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Posted by: matthew | April 22, 2006 at 11:26 AM